My research centers around digital media from the perspective of phenomenology, aesthetics, and media theory. What I am currently working on is a PhD project entitled “Plaything Phenomenology. A Popular Aesthetics of Videogames”, funded by the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes. It endeavours to theorize the videogame as a thingly transaction with the player, something that allows for the creation of kinetic forms in a screenspace.
My studies took me through Musicology and German Literature at the University of Tübingen to a master’s programme going by the fancy name of Cultural Poetics of Literature and Media at the University of Münster. An interest in the history of aesthetic theory formed the backbone of my studies.
Inbetween my Master’s and my doctorate, I worked for the non-profit organisation IMAGINARY, which ignited my passion for Science Communication. I also became an activist in the Network for Good Labor in Academia (NGAWiss) and I am currently holding the position of co-speaker in the Kommission für Gute Arbeit in Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft.